Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"I'm Not What I Have Done, I'm What I Have Overcome" Depression Banishing Spell

go easy on me, this is one of the first spells i've ever written.
i have not tried this myself, but i'm posting it because if it doesn't work so well for me, it may work for one of my readers.
here goes
Should be done on a New Moon and should be done in a space where you can burn herbs and paper.
  • black/purple candle (relief of hurt)
  • white candle (Goddess, protection, cleansing)
  • orange candle/blue (mental clarity for orange, emotional clearance for blue)
  • lemon balm/rosemary/thyme (burn for healing)
  • paper and pen (preferably orange or black ink, but whatever pen or pencil you have on hand will work)
  • fire safe offering bowl
  • one of those long lighters that people use for grilling outdoors (so you don't burn your phalanges)


  • before starting the spell, say:
    "I am not what I have done, I'm what I've overcome"
  • prepare by setting up your altar, placing the black/purple candle and white candle on opposite sides of the altar and the orange/blue candle in the middle and the offering bowl directly in front of you.
  • take the paper and pen, write down what you're depressed about, write down your troubles. place it in the bowl, along with the lemon balm/rosemary/thyme.
  • light the candles and chant:
    "Goddess blessed with love and light,
    help me on this new moon night,
    all my life I've had to fight,
    I'm letting in your love and light."
  • Burn the piece of paper and herbs, (do NOT burn your fingers PLEASE)
  • snuff out the candles and thank the Goddess for her help in whatever way you see fit.
  • release the ashes into a body of running water (lakes, ponds, etc. a sink will work, but make sure there are no chunks when you put it into the sink)
  • meditate on your new life without depression
and here is the printable version, WARNING: HEAVY ON BLACK INK

i think you have to click on it to make it bigger in order to print it...

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