Monday, April 11, 2016

"It'll Be Okay" Simple Calming Spell

i used this after an argument, and it's a very simple spell for those who maybe don't have a lot of fancy crystals or ritual items.
one blue jar candle with a cover like this one
one lighter
your voice or hands for signing
light the candle and imagine all your negative energy being absorbed into it.
chant (or if nonverbal, use sign language):
"goddess, i pray to you today,
to take this pain away,
with harm to none including me
this is my will so mote it be"
repeat the chant until a sense of calm washes over you.
put the lid back on the candle, let it snuff out, and put it somewhere out of sight.

(NOTE: if you're in a pinch and have no candle, just the chant will work too, and you don't have to say it out loud either, just imagine it as a white prayer-light being cast into the universe for the goddess to hear.)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Beltane Ritual for Two People

A good idea to do with a friend interested in the Craft, or you can modify it how you see fit for solitaries.
found (HERE)
One tall Green candle (for God)
One tall White candle (for Goddess)
4 corner candles
Cauldron for Balefire (if performed outdoors, make a Bonfire)
Ritual candles - different shades of green
Rose incense to burn with sage in cauldron
cup of water
 bowl of salt
chalice of wine or juice
Athame (for The Great Rite) and/or wand
Spring and Summer flowers to decorate altar (optional)
(Cast circle and call the corners then light the incense)
INVOCATION OF THE GOD: (light  tall Green candle)
“I now do call upon the eternal God in the ancient way, as Young Lord and Oak King - Horned One of the Forests. I bid Ye welcome and ask Thee to come forth and join Thy Lady Goddess in the Holy Rite of Sacred Union. As it is willed, so mote it be!”
INVOCATION OF THE GODDESS: (light tall White candle)
“I now do call upon the eternal Goddess in the ancient way, as Lovely Maiden, Mother and Crone – Three-fold Goddess be. I bid Ye welcome and ask Thee to come forth and join Thy Lord God in the Holy Rite of Sacred Union. As it is willed, so mote it be!”
“Blessed be this day of Beltane,
 Wedding day of the Goddess and God;
 Holy day of sacred marriage,
 Holy night of sacred union.”
Light the surrounding green rituals candles and say –
“Tonight  I celebrate the union of our Mother Earth to Her co ruler, our Father God, the Green Man and Great Lord of the Forests, as nature rejoices in a blaze of color and life.”
Go to the altar and pick up the cup of water, hold upwards and say –
“Blessed be the sacred union which manifests all creation!
 Behold the womb of the Mother,
The entity from which all life flows,
Blessed be the Lady!”
Go to the altar and pick up the athame, hold upwards and say –
“Behold the phallus of the God,
 Fruitful principle of the universe,
 Blessed be the Lord!”
THE GREAT RITE (Symbolic) –
(Pick up chalice of wine or juice then say):
“Blessed be you, my Lady,
 The Holy Bride of Heaven and Earth,
Come unite with Thy Lord in the ancient rite of sacred marriage!”
(Pick up athame and then say):
“Blessed be you, my Lord,
The Holy Groom of Heaven and Earth,
Come unite with Thy Lady Goddess in the ancient rite of sacred marriage!”
While slowly dipping the athame into the chalice, repeat:
“Chalice to athame,
As Goddess is to God; 
Father is to Mother,
As man is to woman,
Behold the sacred union of The One!”
Replace the chalice and athame back on the altar and say:
“By this act of love, all life comes to be;
By this act of faith, I proclaim my place on the eternal cycle of life,
 The Lord and Lady reign eternal!”
Now toast to the Lord and Lady by drinking from the chalice and breaking off a piece of the bread – setting aside a portion to give back to the Earth later.
“I am a child of deity,
I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe;
 I am part of all that is –
Though we are apart we are always together,For we are one in the spirit of our Goddess and God;
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again –
 Blessed be!”
(Close ritual, thank the deities and remember to give back to the Earth)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"I'm Not What I Have Done, I'm What I Have Overcome" Depression Banishing Spell

go easy on me, this is one of the first spells i've ever written.
i have not tried this myself, but i'm posting it because if it doesn't work so well for me, it may work for one of my readers.
here goes
Should be done on a New Moon and should be done in a space where you can burn herbs and paper.
  • black/purple candle (relief of hurt)
  • white candle (Goddess, protection, cleansing)
  • orange candle/blue (mental clarity for orange, emotional clearance for blue)
  • lemon balm/rosemary/thyme (burn for healing)
  • paper and pen (preferably orange or black ink, but whatever pen or pencil you have on hand will work)
  • fire safe offering bowl
  • one of those long lighters that people use for grilling outdoors (so you don't burn your phalanges)


  • before starting the spell, say:
    "I am not what I have done, I'm what I've overcome"
  • prepare by setting up your altar, placing the black/purple candle and white candle on opposite sides of the altar and the orange/blue candle in the middle and the offering bowl directly in front of you.
  • take the paper and pen, write down what you're depressed about, write down your troubles. place it in the bowl, along with the lemon balm/rosemary/thyme.
  • light the candles and chant:
    "Goddess blessed with love and light,
    help me on this new moon night,
    all my life I've had to fight,
    I'm letting in your love and light."
  • Burn the piece of paper and herbs, (do NOT burn your fingers PLEASE)
  • snuff out the candles and thank the Goddess for her help in whatever way you see fit.
  • release the ashes into a body of running water (lakes, ponds, etc. a sink will work, but make sure there are no chunks when you put it into the sink)
  • meditate on your new life without depression
and here is the printable version, WARNING: HEAVY ON BLACK INK

i think you have to click on it to make it bigger in order to print it...

Monday, April 4, 2016


base (red)

  • sexuality
  • lust
  • stability
  • obsession
  • sensuality
  • security
sacral (orange)
  • basic emotion
  • relationships
  • violence
  • addictions
  • pleasure
  • joy
  • creativity
solar plexus (yellow)
  • complex emotions
  • personal power
  • fear
  • anxiety
  • opinions
  • introversion
heart (green)
  • complex emotions
  • compassion
  • devotion
  • unconditional love
  • rejection
  • well-being
throat (blue)
  • self expression
  • communication
  • independence
  • fluent thought
  • security
brow (third eye, indigo)
  • balance of higher and lower self
  • intuition
  • inner guidance
  • consciousness
  • clarity
crown (violet) 
  • pure consciousness
  • spiritual unity
  • meditation
  • karma
  • transcendence

ten benefits and ten tips of meditation


  1. clear chakras
  2. increase focus and memory
  3. reduce stress
  4. age slower
  5. be more appreciative and grateful
  6. helps sleep
  7. lower blood pressure
  8. mood stability
  9. harmony
  10. brings you closer to deities
  1. start with only two minutes
  2. meditate first thing each morning
  3. check in physically, emotionally, and spiritually, before, during, and after meditating
  4. count breaths
  5. come back when you wander
  6. do a body scan
  7. really commit
  8. guided meditations
  9. practice mindful meditations
  10. do what works, even if it's not the "right way"

laws, rules, goals

rede - "an it harm none, do what ye will"
threefold law - "ever mind the rule of three, three times what thou givest returns to thee"
thirteen goals
1) know yourself
2) know your craft
3) learn
4) apply knowledge to wisdom
5) achieve balance
6) keep your words in good order
7) keep your thoughts in good order
8) celebrate life
9) attune with the earth's cycles
10) breathe and eat correctly
11) exercise the body
12) meditate
13) honor the god and goddess

color and moon phase correspondences

these colors can be used in everything from candles to altar cloths to cauldrons and back again.
red - passion, strength, sex, health
pink - friendship, romance
orange - mind power/health
yellow - intellect, creativity, attraction
green - nature, fertility, money
blue - healing and communication
indigo - balance out karma
violet - meditation, goddess, psychic ability, wisdow
brown - earth, god
white - purity, peace, goddess
black - protection
silver - stability, meditation, goddess
gold - sun magick, god

moon phases
new moon - new beginnings
waxing (appearing) moon - potential for growth
full moon - prophecy, protection, energy
waning (disappearing) moon - take away negative aspects of your life

guided meditation master post

(youtube videos under 20 minutes can be downloaded using this website)