Thursday, November 19, 2015


- Samhain - Halloween, final harvest, Oct 31st. symbols include apples/pumpkins, pictures of deceased loved ones, autumn leaves, summer's end, world of living and dead intertwined, give thanks for deceased loved ones, celebrate life cycle, new beginnings.
- winter solstice - yule, dec 21, evergreens, pinecones, wreaths, mistletoe, holly candles, berries, sun, celebrate birth of sun on this day. time of quiet reflection, celebrate sun's growth.
- candlemas - imbolc, brigid celebrated, feb 1-2. symbols include candles, incense, seeds, nuts, herbal teas, water. first seeds of light and inspiration planted. brigid, goddess of fire, inspiration. 
spring equinox - ostara, march 21, night and day equally long, symbols include, spring and life, fertility, rebirth and growth
- beltane - may day (may 1) rejoice in nature's creations, symbols include, flowers, faeries, may poles, ribbons, oak leaves, branches
- summer solstice - midsummer, litha, sumbols include herbs for healing, flowers, sun, fire, add anything to altar that you are willing to give up (june 20-22) fire festival, aspects of god, longest day of the year, joy, self empowerment.
- lammas - lugh (aug 1-2) symbols are breads, corn, berries, grain, harvested fruit and veg, hopes and fears. first harvest, rewards of hard work
- autumnal equinox - mabon (sept 20-22) coming of fall, symbols include autumn fruit, veg, plants, this is a time for self evaluation, giving thanks for harvest, night and day in balance, honor cycle of life, death, rebirth, wiccan thanksgiving

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